Kia ora koutou Enner Glynn whanau,
Welcome to Term 2 - Week 2’s Blog!
We have started the term refreshed. It was a pleasure to see the children return after what seemed like a long break!
At the end of term we fare welled Mr Taylor Boyd who had been working in Room 15. This term we welcome Miss Liberty Van Voorthuysen who will be working in Room 15 with our wonderful Year 3 - 4 students.
We will also be saying goodbye to Miss Lisa Tullie at the end of week 4. We appreciate all that she has done for our students in Room 16 and wish her well. We are in the process of appointing a teacher and will let you know as soon as we are able.
School Policies
Each term we review a number of policies. The main policy to be reviewed in Term 2 is the Education Outside the Classroom. As parents/ caregivers you are very welcome to contribute to this process. To do this you will need to go into School Docs on the school website -
Keeping Ourselves Safe Programme
This term (weeks 5 & 6) the staff and students will be working through the Keeping Ourselves Safe Programme. This programme is taught by the teachers and is supported by the Police who come into the school to work with our students.
We have planned for a parents meeting in Week 4 on Monday 15th May at 2.30pm with Constable Hamish Wybrow, who will also support the teachers. Hamish is a parent here at Enner Glynn.
Please follow the link below which will provide you with further information about the programme.
You may also wish to read he Student Wellbeing and Safety on School Docs which is also on the school website - School Docs
School Uniforms
A gentle reminder …. We have been seeing a range of clothing being worn that is not part of our uniform, and we would appreciate some support with this. Please ensure your child/ children are wearing the correct uniform.
Upcoming Dates
King's Birthday Holiday - Monday 5th June
Cross Country - Tuesday 6th June
Matariki Celebration - Nayland College - Thursday 28th June
End of Term 1 - Friday 30th July
Thanks for your support! I hope you have a restful and enjoyable weekend!