Kia ora koutou Enner Glynn whanau,
Welcome to Week 6’s Blog!
It seems amazing that we are halfway through the second term! We’ve had a busy couple of weeks with:
Keeping Ourselves Safe
The staff have been working with our children to learn more about how to keep themselves safe in a variety of situations. Constable Hamish Wybrow has been working alongside our staff to support this learning. We are very grateful to Hamish for his support, as well as the time he has spent with the children during break times.
Rippa Tournament
We have had a group of students represent our school at the Rippa Tournament. They had a beautiful day for this event and everyone enjoyed their time and did a great job representing our school. Thanks to Mr B and Mrs King for organising this.
First Aid Training
Wednesday evening saw most of our staff members participate in the refresher First Aid course training. This is a biannual event.
King's Birthday Holiday
This coming Monday - 4th June
Cross Country
A reminder that this is on Thursday (8th June) next week weather permitting. We hope you can join us for this fabulous event.
Matariki Celebration
This is to be held at the end of the term, at Nayland College on Wednesday 28th June from 5.30 - 7.30pm. It is a joint celebration with all the Kahui schools in our cluster. It would be great to see you all there!
Finally, I hope you have a restful and enjoyable long weekend!