Kia ora koutou Enner Glynn whanau,
Welcome to Week 5’s blog.
The term seems to be flying by. At the end of today we are halfway through the term!
FoS - Friends of the School
A reminder that we have a meeting this Monday coming (21st August) at 3.15pm in the staff for those parents who are interested in becoming part of the FoS group, or a friend of the FoS group.
Netball Tournament
This was held on 15th August. Congratulations to our girls who attended this event. They had a fantastic time, and we are proud of how they have represented our school. It was a great way to celebrate the end of the netball season!
Students arriving at school early
A wee reminder … we are seeing more children arrive at school very early. Just a reminder that children shouldn’t be here at school before 8am.
Upcoming in Term 3:
Initial FoS meeting - Monday 21st August - 3.15pm
Kahui Ako CoL - Teacher Only Day - 1st September (school will be closed)
End of Term - 22nd September
Upcoming in Term 4:
Start of Term 4 - Monday 9th October
Labour Day Monday 23rd October
Athletics - Wednesday 15th November (Postponement Day - Friday 17th November)
Teacher Only Day - Friday 24th November (school will be closed). Note: this is another mandated day directed by the Ministry of Education for the Curriculum Refresh
Take care