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Principal Update: Week 3, Term 3

Kia ora koutou Enner Glynn whanau,

Welcome to Week 3’s blog.

Learning Conferences

Thank you to all those families who have attended our learning conferences. We had a great turnout. We appreciate having the opportunity to meet with parents and students around their learning.

You will have received a mid-year report at your child’s interview. For those families that didn’t make an interview, please check in with your child's teacher with regards to this.

FoS - Friends of the School

As mentioned in my last blog, a number of parents expressed interest in resurrecting the Friends of the school group (FoS). If you are interested in becoming part of this, or would like to support some fundraising but cannot commit to being on the FoS team, you might like to be a ‘friend’ of the FoS group where you can help where you can.

I would like to meet with those parents interested on Monday 21st August at 3.15pm.

Upcoming in Term 3:

  • Initial FoS meeting - Monday 21st August - 3.15pm

  • Netball Tournament - 15th August - postponement date 17th August

  • Kahui Ako CoL - Teacher Only Day - 1st September (school will be closed)

  • End of Term - 22nd September

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