Kia ora koutou Enner Glynn whanau,
Welcome to our first blog for Term 3.
Learning Conferences
Our parent / teacher/ student learning conferences are coming up in Week 3 of this term on Wednesday 2nd & Thursday 3rd August. We would like to see as many whanau attend these as possible as this is a great opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their learning. Please use the following link to book a time to meet with your child’s teacher.
This will be open from Monday next week.
Matariki Celebration at Nayland College
Thank you to all those families who attended the Matariki celebration at Nayland College on the last Wednesday of the term. Our Kapa Haka students were fantastic, as was the wonderful art display. We were very proud of the children who performed. A special thank you to Sue Daniel, Whaea Hayley and Andrew Dooley for their support and help with practices as well as being with the students on the evening itself.
Our New Entrants also had a mini Matariki celebration this week in Te Rito block. It was great to see so many parents and grandparents come along to this. Well done to the children and teachers! They were a delight!
Update on the School Pool
I am delighted to share that we have finally made some progress with the school pool repairs.
We are looking to have the work done in September/ October to ensure it is ready for use at the end of the year should it be warm enough and also for families to use during the Christmas break.
Further we have received some supplementary funding from the Ministry of Education, to cover the repair of the school pool. This is fantastic news, as the cost is far greater than originally anticipated.
FoS - Friends of the School
I have had a number of parents express interest in resurrecting the Friends of the School group, to support the school through fundraising. I am delighted that we have so many parents coming forward and offering support. I am in the process of working through how this could look and will be back in contact when I am in a better position to move this forward. Please be patient while I work through the logistics of this.
Upcoming in Term 3:
Learning conferences - Week 3 (Wednesday 2nd & Thursday 3rd August)
Life Education Caravan visit in Weeks 2 & 3.
Netball Tournament - 15th August - postponement date 17th August
Kahui Ako CoL - Teacher Only Day - 1st September (school will be closed)
End of Term - 22nd September