Tuhia ki te rangi (Write it in the sky)
Tuhia ki te whenua (Write it in the land)
Tuhia ki te ngakau o nga tangata (Write it in the heart of the people)
Ko te mea nui (The greatest thing)
Ko te aroha (Is love)
Tihei Mauri Ora! (Behold there is Life!)
Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa
I write this to you as our final message for 2022. As I will be away next year this will be my final opportunity to thank you all. However, I look forward to seeing you all again in 2024!
To the Parents and Whanau:
I wish to personally thank you for your patience and support during the Covid upheaval. This time has been difficult for all of us, but we have successfully kept the impact on learning (because of this disruption) minimal. Thank you also for your trust and support over the year - we believe that our students will make a wonderful and powerful contribution to our society in the future... We have great faith in them and the promise they show, and I know that you do also.
To the Staff:
Thanks on behalf of everyone here for the wonderful influence and work you have put into our learners. Every year our staff go to great lengths to ensure the opportunities are there for these students. Thank you also to the staff for their patience over the last few years as we have had to be resilient to the issues we have faced.
To all of our Leavers - Staff, students and families
For some others of you, this will also be your final association with our School. I sincerely hope that we have served you and your family well. You leave with our greatest thanks and best wishes. Go well, be strong, and we genuinely hope that our paths cross again. As our journey may take a new course, we wish you every success on yours.
I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season.
I leave you with this Whakatauki
Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga nōna te ao
(The bird that feasts on knowledge owns the world)
No reira. Noho ora mai rā.
Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa
Isaac Day