Tena koutou katoa.
Here is the principal update for today. Unfortunately I have forgotten to get any footage of the kids during break times and learning times in class, but I will remedy that for next week. Please remember the Staff Only Days coming up, especially the one NEXT FRIDAY. There is a little bit of tiredness creeping in already for this part of the Term, so do take care and ensure the bedtime routines are kept tight! Kids need plenty of sleep! :-)
Take care and have a great week.
Isaac Day - Principal
Here is the breakdown for today's message:
0-28s - Intro and preamble
29-38s - Reminder about upcoming Staff Only Days (No school for students on these days). The next Staff Only Day is NEXT FRIDAY, the 28th of August.
39s-1m.02s - High Fliers awards presented at last weeks adapted assembly.
1m.03s-2m.50s - COVID 19 update for Alert Level 2
2m.51s-3m.35s - Creative schools application - information and a call out for support and helping us connect to others around this project.
3m.36s-3m.43s - Reminder about no assemblies under National Alert Level 2.
3m.44s-4m.21s - Reminder to keep children at home if sick. Please!! Plus a final message.