Kia ora koutou Enner Glynn whanau,
Whanau Evening on Wednesday
We had a fantastic turnout for our whanau evening. Thanks to everyone who joined us on Wednesday. It was great to see so many families and to catch up.
Teachers strike
On behalf of our staff I would like to thank parents for your understanding re the strike day yesterday. I know this will have been inconvenient for many of you, and we appreciate your support.
Parent / Teacher / Student Conferences
These are going to be held in Week 9 on Wednesday 29th & Thursday 30th March. Information about how to make a booking will be sent through to you next Wednesday 22nd. We would really like to catch up with all of you to share your child’s learning.
A reminder
If you need to meet with me, please make an appointment through the school office.
Reminder - Upcoming dates:
Term 1:
End of Term 1: Thursday 6th April
Term 2:
Teacher only Day: Monday 24th April
Anzac Day: Tuesday 25th April
First Day Term 2: Wednesday 26th April
We hope you have a wonderful few weeks!
Jilian Porter
Acting Principal