Kia ora koutou Enner Glynn whanau,
Welcome to Week 4’s blog.
This week I have a number of announcements to make with regard to some of our staff, and with regard to our school pool. Also we have a combined Kahui whanau Hui coming up which would be great to have some whanau attend.
Lesley Cross
Lesley has announced her impending retirement at the end of this year! Lesley has been with us here at Enner Glynn for the past 26 years! Lesley has been such a big part of our school. She has been an incredible support to everyone and a wonderful teacher to so many children. Whilst we will sorely miss her, we totally understand that she is ready to take some time for herself and her whanau.
Riley Bensemann
Next year Riley is going to take leave and is going to experience the world outside of Enner Glynn, but also New Zealand. We hope he has the best adventures and comes back to us to continue the wonderful work he does here at Enner Glynn.
Kirsty Rollo
Kirsty will be taking another year of leave next year. She has been granted a ‘study award’ and is going to continue her own learning.
With so many staff on leave next year, we are in the process of appointing more staff to support the learning of our tamariki. We will let you know more once we have finalised our new appointments.
School Pool - Repairs
We are excited to announce that phase 1 of the repairs has been completed on the school pool! Phase 2 is expected to be completed before the end of November.
Combined Kahui Whanau Hui
Stoke-Tāhunanui Kāhui Ako would like to invite all whānau to a combined hui at 6pm on Wednesday 15 November, at Stoke School.
The purpose of this hui is to provide an opportunity for whānau to share their aspirations for Māori ākonga as they travel through early childhood, primary, intermediate and into secondary school.
Please RSVP by Wednesday 8 November for catering purposes:
Enjoy your weekend and we will be back in contact with our next blog in Week 6!
Take Care