Welcome back to a new school year! We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break. We are excited to be back and look forward to working with you and your children!
As you will be aware Isaac Day is away for the year on study leave and I will be working in his role, in his absence! If you need to meet with me, please make an appointment through the school office.
New Staff Members
We have five new staff members who we are delighted to have working with us.
In our Manaaki team we have Haley Wilson working in Room 14
In Te Ara team, we have Taylor Boyd working in Room 15; Lisa Tulie in Room 16 and Annie Smith in Room 10
In Te Rito team we have Rachael Brown in Room 1
School Pool
I would like to apologize to those families who had paid for pool keys to use over the holidays. We have run into major unforeseen structural issues with the pool. This is going to incur significant costs due to the fact that the pool surfaces are failing. At this time, we are seeking expert advice and will keep you updated when we know more. The pool is going to be out of action for this season.
Details will be sent out regarding the pool keys and refunds.
Upcoming dates:
Term 1:
Waitangi Day Holiday: Monday 6th February 1
End of Term 1: Thursday 6th April
Term 2:
Teacher Only Day: Monday 24th April
Anzac Day: Tuesday 25th April
First Day Term 2: Wednesday 26th April