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Principal Update for Week 8, Term 4, 2021

It is amazing what can happen in a week! We thank our whole community for their support and understanding at this time. Our thoughts are with all of our close contact families and with our two staff (and their families) who have returned positive test results. Both staff are doing well and we have passed on your wishes. We wish all of our families in this situation the very best and we look forward to welcoming you all back.


These are recommended for years 4 and up at Orange level but not mandated. Masks are mandated at Red level. Because we will have year 3 and 4 classes in 2022, we will suggest they will be used by year 3 students and up so we don't have a situation (if we move to Red level) of half the class wearing masks and half the class not wearing them. While these are encouraged, we expect students and families to be able to make their own choice around these at Orange level.


We have had a few data issues, and some of these have gone home without moderation because of last week's events. We will resend some of these to you in the next week and apologise for this issue. It is our first go with this automated system and we are finding some issues. We are expected under current legislation to show progress over time in reading, writing and maths against the New Zealand Curriculum Levels year to year. Thank you for your feedback on these and we will develop and improve these as we go. For information on New Entrant and year 1 students - see this blog entry (the video explanation starts at 3m44s). Please keep checking your child's Seesaw journal for more information about your child's learning and achievement.

Year 6 Celebration

This week at 2pm on Facebook live from our Facebook Page. No visitors please.

New Class Visits

These will still go ahead tomorrow at 9:15am. But they will be shorter in duration (30mins) and given that some of our staff are away, next year's teacher may not be there for the students, but they will get some time to connect with peers.

Last Day of School

Tuesday the 14th of December. We will close at 3pm.

Thanks everyone. Noho Ora Mai.


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