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Principal Update for week 6 of the final Term of 2021!

Kia ora koutou!

This week I quickly discuss the following things (if you read this you may not need to watch the video! :-D).

Staffing - no changes to classroom teachers for 2022, and we welcome back Tenielle King who is supporting us in the office. :-)

Class placements - there has been lots of consultation around this. Remember we have lots of students turning 7 in 2022, so we will have these students across five classrooms, including Room 11 which will have a majority of these students also (¾ of the class!). We are trying to avoid having our younger students in Rooms 1 and 2, returning to Rooms 12 and 13. All of these classes will have students turning 9 in them during 2022. There will not be any stationery lists or notices coming home after the first visit this week. This is because we may need to make final adjustments, and ensure we have placed students with at least one friend. Please do not make appointments with me or come to me asking for changes, we will work with all students to support them through this change.

Reports - are due out on the 3rd of December. Remember these are curriculum level placements for 2021 and will show progress since your child has started with us in reading, writing and mathematics. Children who have only recently started with us will not have previous years included because that data is not shared between schools (because there is not a uniform information system between schools for achievement data). REMEMBER to check Seesaw regularly for the other areas and for detail regarding the learning that is happening... there will not be lengthy comments on the end of year reports coming home.

End of year dates & Term dates 2022 - These are on our website under the 'About Us' menu. Please remember that we finish for the year at 3pm on the 14th of December. We have an optional tidy up day on the 15th and will finish at 11am on that day.

Student sickness - PLEASE do not send your children to school if they have cold/flu like symptoms. We have a number of our community who are at a heightened risk of Covid-19 and when there is community spread, this puts them (and others) at risk. We strongly urge our families to follow public health advice:

If sick, stay home and get tested.

Thanks everyone - have a wonderful week. :-)

Isaac Day - Principal

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