Here is a quick video blog message about learning about ANZAC Day with me. This really is probably more suitable for the Yr5/6 students with their school Google account, but Year 4s may like to get involved in the fun too. There will be some opportunities to collaborate and we may finish the session with a celebration of ANZAC Day via Zoom on the 25th of April. This is entirely optional, but if the kids want to take part - they are more that welcome to join in. Log into your school Google account, navigate to the Google Classrooms page in your account, and enter the code - lvgb5q3. Mums and Dads may want to help out too, if they have a moment!
If you have any questions, just add them to the comments below (I would LOVE to help out). :-)
Mr Day
Hi Camille. No worries. I now have a few keen which is great! I have just sent her an invite. Hopefully she can access it with the details sent through. :-)
Hi Isaac. Emma is keen to do this (thanks :)), however I'm having trouble finding how to access it. I have found Classrooms in the Google Apps section of Emma's Google Drive, but only Wendy's class, 3H, is there. And there is no options I can see for a login. Any advice? It's certainly a crash course in technology being in lockdown!
Hi Isaac. Emma is keen to do this (thanks :)), however I'm having trouble finding how to access it. I have found Classrooms in the Google Apps section of Emma's Google Drive, but only Wendy's class, 3H, is there. And there is no options I can see for a login. Any advice? It's certainly a crash course in technology being in lockdown!
Any questions? Just ask here... :-)